Personal Information Request Form

By filling out this form, you are requesting American Mortgage Investment Partners Management (“AMIP”) to provide you with details of any personal information that we or our affiliates have collected from or about you.

If you have a customer relationship with us, we will respond to your request using the contact information that we have on file for you. If you are not our customer and we cannot locate information about you, we will respond to your request using the address you provide below.

We also may contact you for additional information to verify your identity and the validity of your request. Please note that this form cannot be used to change information on your accounts.

Privacy Personal Information Request Form

To request that we delete any personal information that we are not obligated to retain, please select 'yes' below. While you have the right to request the deletion of information, we may be required to retain certain information. We may retain information:

  • To service accounts.
  • To comply with state or federal law.
  • To retain for other critical business purposes.

As a result, we may be unable to honor a request to delete your personal information.

I am requesting that you delete my personal information. I confirm that I understand AMIP may not be able to delete my information if it is used to service my account, comply with state or federal laws or for other critical business purposes.

For Agents Only Optional